He’s a billionaire, of course he has some relations with crime, Musk is just dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud.
Is Musk becoming the new Mike Lindell? I hope so.
Fuck all billionaires. Including this Mexican one idfc what he did to musk
I would hesitate before judging someone purely on one statistic but it’s difficult to imagine how one amasses that sort of money ethically. If I asked you to think of a billionaire that you would leave in charge of children, who would you pick? Bill Gates perhaps, Warren Buffet? It’s slim pickings.
Jon Ronson advanced the idea that psychopathy is over-represented in the CEO class and presented some compelling examples in his book, The Psychopath Test.
If I asked you to think of a billionaire that you would leave in charge of children, who would you pick? Bill Gates perhaps
Bill flew on the Lolita Express repeatedly, so I hope nobody chooses that one
It’s an extremely fraught decision, for sure.
it’s difficult to imagine how one amasses that sort of money ethically
It simply can’t be done. How can it be ethical to earn millions times more than you could ever need, while others are in need of it. That’s unethical regardless of if how it was earned. Not a big Jesus fan, but he’s quite right about the need to share with those in need.
Inb4 a lunch mobb forms for Billionaire George Lucas…
He just fucked with the wrong Mexican.
Best heavy blow for Tsarlink
Edit: Lemmy has trouble with gif?
I dont think thats the case. Maybe the client you are using has problems with it?
Not in my experience
Really glad to see Elon Musk getting absolutely fucked. Let’s have more of that.
Let’s be clear: he’s the one fucking himself
Even more beautiful.
I find it hard to imagine how someone like Musk with infinite tiny-dick energy could fuck anything. Let alone himself.
It’s a start.
It’s America getting fucked, not him.
Keep in mind he might be working for them doing this on purpose to us.
We just know he doesn’t care about America.
Might? Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Putin for two years
However, he’s obviously destroying the US government and bureaucracy right now, but I don’t think he’s destroying his own businesses on purpose. He’s just dumb.
“Dear Slim, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’…”
That must count as the most financially ruinous tweet ever. Serves Elon right for being a total prick.
Wasn’t president Musk’s announcement that he was going to BUY twitter a tweet? Seeing as it’s worth fuck-all now that’s in the running.
Yeah though his total demolition of the company wasn’t done by that tweet. He had to keep making bad decisions for that!
To be fair, buying Twitter was instrumental in him getting Trump to the presidency.
Like any Billionaire, he needed a media outlet to manufacture consent with - I’d argue that him buying Twitter wasn’t as stupid a move as it initially seems.
I think he used Twitter to help Trump as a way of salvaging that investment, but I don’t think he originally bought it with that intention.
Buying the company was the decision to take over the communications channel by dictators worldwide. It wasn’t an accident and he doesn’t care about the value of shitter in the long term.
tbf the tweet itsself didnt cause the downfall though.
Elon musk must have read Art of the deal recently, it’s obvious in his recent business dealings
this is what happens when you run a government the way you’re used to running the monopoly you own. “hardball” doesn’t work on the global stage.
Or when courts immediately reinstate the people his cuck-ass tried to fire.
Imagine getting denied sloppy seconds by a group of old bureaucrats
More like Art of Seduction. Dude is going around being megadouche, negging people and trying to make up for it with cheesy magic tricks.
It’s a badly translated Art of War
Just replaced every instance of the word “war” with “deal”
You love to see it
Sauce please? Because that is fucking amazing!
That’s called “voting with your wallet”. Everyone should do that! Here in Europe we tanked Tesla sales. Rich and poor - everyone can do what’s right.
Not everyone’s wallet has that kind of pull.
Here’s the thing… there’s more of us than there are of them. That’s why they’re so desperate to keep our collective attention elsewhere and to cause division or people might recognize just how strong they could be collectively.
Even collectively we might not have billions of dollars, but it doesn’t take billions to crater a company or an industry. Just takes not paying into the system; it’ll collapse on its own.
I get you can’t boycott everything because you need food and water to survive, but people aren’t helpless.
Luigi! This would get me banned on Reddit.
Blue Shell!
Dude, how do you think they got that money in the first place, bumming everybody out isn’t the move, please delete this post
how do you think they got that money in the first place
Except now they have the banking system to give their money and they don’t need ours anymore, I think it’s well past the point of with our dollar. Just fucking look at Elon Musk he does not give a fuck, Twitter could go down to zero and he would still be the richest man on earth
Poor excuse.
It’s just facts.
In January alone, billionaire wealth surged by $314 billion―around $10 billion a day. This is more than the combined wealth of the 2.8 billion people who make up the poorest third of humanity.
At the global average income, it would take 15 million workers an entire year to collectively earn the same amount of money
How’s that relevant?
Hes saying that everyone single person who upvoted this post would have to convince millions of people each to stand a chance against the financial power that is held by billionaires.
Rich people love when idiots think that they can change the world by doing purely individualistic stuff. Even if you convince hundreds of people it wont change their margins by even 0.001%. Believing that markets have built in course correction that cant be completely dominated and steered by rich people is the biggest lie in the world.
Do individualistic stuff anyways, because every improvement matters and it might make you happy. But know that it requires more than that to make a significant difference.
Works well here in Europe. You’ve been blinded by Trump & Co propaganda.
No it doesnt, i have lived in Europe my whole life and its just as corrupt. The fucking german chancellor is a criminal involved in a huge tax evasion fraud. All big industries are friends with people in power and get huge amounts of taxes for no reason. As soon as a large company like VW loses money, they are bailed out with your taxes to keep it from going bankrupt. You can stop giving them your money, but the government will just do it for you by redirecting your taxes.
Musk is a deranged idiot
Oh no! Anyway I made fantastic Swedish coffee at this morning, really delicious, I can say.
Is that the one with the egg inside? I’d be willing to try it once, but tbh, sounds like a waste of both perfectly good egg and perfectly good coffee.
No, it’s just common Löfbergs coffee sold here. I think it’s the best coffee you can buy. It’s originated from Sweden.
Oh, I see. Worked as a barista for like a year or so. Tried a bunch of different supermarket coffees and different cafes and styles and stuff trying to get better at it and also looking for better coffee to make at home.
Finally settled on an aeropress+ beans from a local roaster while at home as I feel it’s the best value/money and also a couple of other factors such as filter coffee being apparently slightly better for you as you get less coffee oils in the cup and it’s also much easier to make than a v60, for example.
40€ aeropress+ fresh ground coffee from a local roastery is my recommendation to anyone looking for great and easy coffee at home. Better than any coffee chain coffee and only a bit worse than coffee from a specialty coffee place. Add a grinder for 200€ and that difference gets even smaller.
That may sound like a snob talking, but everyone that came over and tried our coffee was impressed. Including people that don’t normally drink coffee. My favourite bit is when they’re surprised that they don’t need to put sugar in it. Only people I haven’t managed to convert yet are people that drink Nespresso for the convenience. Oh, and hardcore espresso drinkers that insist that strong, bitter coffee has more caffeine even tho that’s been disproven.
Daily moka pot user here. My preference is to add a very small amount of brown sugar and then top with some frothed (spun) oat milk.
Guatemalan Antigua, Yirgacheffe, and Peruvian Penachi are favorites, and of course a decent grinder (you can get a hand-turn burr grinder for pretty cheap, but the automatic ones tend to be pricy like you mentioned).
I’m a big fan of French press too, as a back up, which I would imagine is similar to aero - I haven’t had that yet though!
The methods are comparable, yes, aeropress is like a filter + immersion merged into one.
Haven’t found a favourite origin or variety of coffee, tbh. I’ve had both meh and good coffee from all over the place.
If I were to pick something, I’d say that recently I’ve had a lot of good coffee from Colombia. Especially this guy Nestor Lasso that’s experimenting with fermentation. Best coffee I’ve ever had was his. Really amazing. But also like 26€ for 250g, so… plus 10 for delivery, as the local guy doesn’t have it. That’s too expensive to get constantly, unfortunately. But I do get a bag 1/2 times a year when I get an email that they’ve restocked it.
Never mind that. I’m not that keen on coffee. I only drink it at morning and sometimes at work.