My PC does this really annoying thing, whenever I tell it to Install and Shut Down the bloody thing restarts every time
Ugh, the updates…my work PC is Win 11, I got an email for IT last night telling me I had to install the latest update I had been putting off. This morning after I clocked out I started the update. I have 500 down and it took almost 2 hours to download and 3 hours later the installation is only at 53%. I’m just going to go to bed and hope it’s done by the time I have to clock in tonight.
And my coworkers wonder why I prefer Linux…
I like and I do use Linux as my main OS. No dual boot BS, just pure Linux
getting hibernate working perfectly in Linux on new hardware is PITA. I’m just happy with suspend working well, let alone hibernation.
Modern standby is the absolute shit of an invention.
This is the ONLY reason I wish I have a Mac. Forget all the memes and jokes about Apple, their laptops suspend very well. IIRC, they also have a hibernation timer built in, so if your laptop automatically hibernates after X hrs. But I dont want to be stuck in their ecosystem, so yeh…
Linux devs are not that keen to make hibernate work well either. Remember systemd dev forcefully removed the “suspend then hibernate” feature? You can still find the thread on Github lol.
“My PC” was even replaced with “this PC” since Windows 11, which feels almost too symbolic…
🤭and sometimes, if you wake your linux things go to shit and all you see is black screen and white mouse on it
Sometimes super+ctrl+alt+F8 saves me and I can restart PC from TTY, and sometimes, there is only a flashing cursor. In second case, I have to take hard measures and forcefully manually restart it
(Yes nvidia card with latest proprietary driver and kde on wayland) -> everything latest meaning from endeavour/arch/aur repos.
Not every Nvidia but always Nvidia.
Maybe it is kinda a bias since nvidia is easy to blame and is existing in most PCs 🤔
All my hybernation issues went away after i switched to an AMD GPU. Not evidence in itself, just an experience an opinion.
AMD had a problems with hibernation, too. amdgpu driver sometimes crashed on waking up. Problems disappeared about a year ago.
Well i switched somewhat around that time. Guess i was lucky.
I like how you corrected opinion to experience 😃👌🏻
And yes, I would call that an evidence, not a proof but clearly an evidence, especially if you did not change anything else (hardware or start from scratch setting up Linux distribution).
Another day of learning about Linux from the comments under a meme.
I agree with some comments here, hibernation/suspension has been tricky, I’ve always had minor bugs and like kinda major, screen… lines? popping up and just not even working sometimes, welp. I suppose it’s better knowing what’s breaking than wrestling control between you and microsoft…
Mine just doesn’t suspend/hibernate at all. Probably some dependency not installed, but I’m not assed to find out which one
Yeah I think it’s going to show up in some log what exactly is causing that but I usually search what I’m supposed to do so… do that if you have time I guess
Nope. My Linux Mint randomly wakes up from sleep mode all the time. It’s just a bug. Tried to fix it, never found solution. I guess I am fine with it. Well. Not really. Help me if you can!!11!!
Apparently you can see which devices can wake your PC with
cat /proc/acpi/wakeup
. S3 should be sleep and S4 hibernation. Though I have no idea which device is which.Lspci and lsusb will help you match up with the list
Thank you guys! Lemmy is great!
My first guess world be unplug your mouse and keyboard and see if it still happens. Your mouse or keyboard could be sending phantom inputs sometimes. If it’s a laptop maybe not though or you’d have to test it another way at least. But it’s the first thing I’d do.
Put chrome on it, that should fix it
I started down the Linux route over the weekend and put my computer in hibernation and couldn’t figure out how to wake it up from its torpor without restarting. So I’m going with suspension for the time being
Firstly, welcome :)
Secondly, hibernation on Linux requires swap partition 2x size of the RAM. If you didn’t set it big enough or did not set at all, hibernation wouldn’t work. However if you set it correctly, there should be another reason to consider.
If you are not sure, you can use this command on terminal to compare your RAM and swap sizes.
free -m
Me with my computer in a different room
The main thing I’m learning from this thread is that a surprising number of people don’t shut their machines down when they’re done using them. Which is wild to me.
As someone who knows how to manage the power and update settings in Windows to prevent this from happening, I am learning that Linux users may not understand how to actually configure Windows to their liking. Which is wild to me.
A lot of modern windows laptop don’t let you shut them down.
They use something called Windows Hybrid Sleep and it should be illegal. Selecting shut down in windows will keep the machine in a state where it will turn on at random times to check for updates. Especially fun whrn in your backpack creating a furnace.
Thankfully it can be disabled via AD policy.
You dont need to use group policy.
Admin console: powercfg.exe /hibernate off
Now its off. Hybrid sleep is just a faster Hibernate.
Or just turn off fast Startup in the power settings.
I meant that you can thankfully disable it with group policy so that the 3000 laptops I manage at work don’t all cook in backpacks every day.
Ah yes, the greek hydra of IT. Disable one policy, two more shall take it’s place.
Or just disable the Fast Startup option
Ah yeah I forgot about hybrid sleep as I turned if off years ago and forgot it existed. Such a nonsense feature.
I remember you have to press either Shift or Alt for the shutdown button to actually shut down the PC.
No point. Sleep works great and live updates are flawless.
Why would you? Sleep uses so little power and the resume is instant.
If it wasn’t for S0 standby being such a piece of shit I’d never shutdown my computer unless it was for an update or hardware maintenance.
Have you seen how fast computers turn on these days (from complete shutdowns)? It’s 2-3 seconds (if hibernation is completely off). Barely an inconvenience - specially not one worth risking the pc turning on by itself on random times.
I mean since the advent of SSDs I’ve not found the boot times of computers to be all that slow and I typically quite like coming back to a clean desktop on a new day rather than having junk from yesterday being thrown at me.
Even if the boot time is fast, you lose a lot of the program states. Not only it takes extra time to load those applications, it’s also a fair amount of effort to put everything back where it should be.
If it was necessary to shut computers down, no problem, it’s not too much time and effort. But there’s normally no need to shut computers down, it’s just wasted time with no benefits (usually).
For me the only thing I needed to “put back where it should be” was my VPN. Bu I switched to wireguard from Eddie, so now I don’t need to adjust anything on startup
See I want all the junk from yesterday.
When I got my first (and only) PC, it was outright SUGGESTED to never power it down. By HP. So yeah I just sleep my computer, and yes I have to deal with the bullshit in the meme lol
Always wondered why the fuck my PC is awake before I even touch it.
Back in the day we did that because it too long to boot so we never shut it down.
20 years later we have servers at home that we never shut down.
To be fair I don’t always use it like that but suspend is convenient if I have a continuous work that is scattered all around.
Windows would always wake from hibernation/suspension by itself after 2 or 3 hours. Truly a feature, not a bug
I love how they wake up in my backpack so they can overheat AND drain the battery at the same time.
That’s efficiency.
Reach into your backpack and get 3rd degree burns.
Why is this true 😭
Linux users when their computer won’t boot because they fucked up their grub config again: (Totally not me)
Are you distro hopping? That’s when my grub would fail on me on a monthly basis.
Or just installed few months of missing updates, looking at you my broken Manjaro dual-boot
Just don’t use a rolling distro.
Tumbleweed will update six months of packages or more without breaking a sweat. It’s all about using something sturdy.
A lot of systems use systemd boot. Also, why would you be modifying Grub?
They’re trolling and have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. I’ve literally not had a bootloader failure in a decade from multiple Linux OS installs.
The only time I had an issue was when I was playing with a bleeding edge distro and it borked full disk encryption, but that was INTENTIONALLY bleeding edge and I knew the risks.
Nah I was doing some virtualization troubleshooting and had to make some changes to grub. Luckily I had backups, but as a serial tinkerer I break stuff pretty often. Also fucked up my fstab when trying to automount drives, though that was an easy fix. I never claimed to be a clever man
Windows is too self-important. Daddy, chill.