Nope, climate change Doc. Los Angeles is on fire and the icecaps are melting. Oh, and we just elected Biff president.
Nah, we elected the first timeline Marty’s Dad and Biff is the head of DOGE.
Cooked vs cooking
I don’t like whenever people on Lemmy mention gen z/alpha slang because, it’s always a “how you do, fellow kids?” vibe.
based? based on what?
I asked my friend about this and he told me I’m a good Oregon for not knowing what it is… I dunno if he’s right >~<
They know you’re allowed to say “fucked” right?
Chat are we cooked?
it’s Black American English not “gen z slang”
a lot of online (which is where gen z stuff comes from) culture is just black american culture, it’s not particularly different from how most european languages have a bunch of french loan words.
it’s really different actually since other Europeans adopting french terms is a result of french colonialism conferring an allure of prestige to french terms. the reason Europeans were desperate to integrate french culture was because they also wanted to enjoy the spoils of colonialism.
whereas people using BAE outside of its cultural context perpetuates a relationship of parasitic colonial extraction, not of symbiotic cultural exchange as most white people would claim
Or, like, white Americans adopting any other culture from black Americans.
That’s how it usually goes. AAVE -> widely used slang
Always has been
Now that’s jive
Hmm, looks like it has been used by a variety of people for a while. This is what I could find, but if you have a better source for that claim, I am open to correction.
“Gen Z” is American, “Black Americans” is American.
I don’t see the difference. 's both American.
you seriously think there’s no difference between Black Americans using this term since the 70’s and white kids on TikTok appropriating language?
All American counter culture comes from the black community.
Counter-culture? I’d go as far as saying most American culture ultimately comes from the Black community. It’s usually either them or the queers (and quite often, Black queers!)
Come to think of it, I’ve never met a black emo kid.
Wait then what was My Chemical Romance’s “Black Parade” all about?
Some of us are more baked, though.
I wish I was right now.
global warming :(
Oh shit, looks like OP is crashing out_!_
That’s because everyone is cooking
chat we’re cooked 💀
sorry, but if you’re already sick of that word…
They’re cooked.
What this means please.
“Cooked” is Gen Z slang, basically means “done.”
“This guy’s cooked.” (He’s had too much/he’s out of it/he’s screwed)
“I’m cooked, chat.” (I’m out of options/it’s over for me)
In the context of this meme, which is from the movie Back to the Future, Marty is in the past and using slang that hasn’t entered popular use yet, so Doc thinks he’s talking about cooking food and is confused about what he means.
Also not to be confused with similar “Let them cook” (they’re onto something, let’s see where this goes).