Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This absolute garbage feature was spotted in the wild, take a look here.
I will not buy or watch anything with ads. I can’t stand ads. Ads represent everything wrong with the US and capitalism. Just not stop shit shoveled into our faces.
So while you are allowed to use a cars dash for car functions, you should not be drawing someones attention away from the road while at a red light.
How could this be anything but distracted driving.
What happens when this ad pops up, you look at it and read its quite lengthy text, and then get rear ended because you weren’t keeping an eye on the rear mirror?
I’d love to see that lawsuit (although it’d suck for the hurt person)
This offends me to the core. Stellantis has made my shit list, and I will never purchase any product they are involved in. EVER !
Their cars are trash anyways so you’re better off.
I saw this on Lenny about Jeeps. I asked someone sitting in a new Jeep if she got ads when she came to a stop and she said no. So now I wonder if there is something about the trim level or something. She said it was 1 year old. Maybe this just started.
They could also just be A/B testing shit to see how much backlash they get.
But I’m still not allowed to touch my cellphone while behind the wheel because the screen is too distracting, right?
If you do you must buy something
As long as your purchase is over $10,000, you have immunity from prosecution for vehicular manslaughter during the transaction.
This law brought to you by Carls Jr.
This what I don’t get, those huge “infotainment” screens are perfectly acceptable, but you can’t answer a phone.
Edit; missed the letter “a”.
You are typically allowed to have limited interaction with a mounted phone.
You can’t pick your phone up or anything like that, but you are allowed some very limited usage if it’s mounted. It’s no different than a built in car dash at that point.
However, fuck this, this is beyond expected use, and is definitely going to cause distracted driving.
You’re usually not supposed to interact with the screen either when driving, and it’s easier to put your hand back on the wheel when the screen is mounded instead of dropping your phone… but I get what you mean.
We dun fucked up when we made tarring and feathering CEOs illegal.
I’ll accept this when the car comes for free.
I know right? I would totally get an ad supported free car. Who knows, someone might make an ad block for it.
They’d be showing ads on the windshield and windows for that
An ad that appears at the top of the steering wheel, that always stays at the top since they embedded a circular screen into the wheel so the ads can always be shown.
Stop buying new cars until they remove this bullshit. We can go 40 years with existing cars without buying a single new one.
I have a Renault master from 2016. I’m pretty sure I can squeeze another 50 years out of this diesel bitch with adequate maintenance and care. Plus my other car is an e-bike.
The cost of used cars isn’t much better assuming you don’t want a piece of crap. After almost being killed by 2 used cars I’d prefer to not risk it anymore.
I was very lucky in that I can repair most cars. It’s a lot harder now. Before I had a real job, all my vehicles cost less than 3k. If you learn what to look for and to stay safe (brakes, tires) you shouldn’t really be in danger with a used car. Now in an accident, some ass in a 30 foot tall dodge truck will kill you, but that’s kind of unavoidable even if you’re on the sidewalk
Subaru has great safety ratings and the “used Subaru tax” (as in, a used Subaru tends to be more expensive) is because they are very good cars. They have some of the best safety ratings on the market.
You mean the “oopsie poopsie it’s just a glitch nothing to see here” thing that was happening to jeeps a little while ago?
Color me shocked
This is why I’d rather rebuild my 30 year old civic’s engine than buy a new car.
That seems like a lot of hassle if you’re then going to buy a new car anyway.
Why would i be buying a new car anyways? I don’t want one, the newest car I’m even interested in purchasing in the future is over a decade old. I just drive my wife’s car when I work on mine.
He was making fun of a light grammatical error in your post.
You said ‘I’d rather rebuild the engine then buy a new car’
What you meant was ‘I’d rather rebuild the engine than buy a new car.’
“Then” means that you will be doing something subsequently. “Than” means that you will be doing something instead of something else. Normally this is a grammatical nitpick, but it actually changes the meaning of your sentence by using the wrong word.
I drove 80’s and pre 92’ VW’s up until 2019 and now I’m exclusively driving pre 04 VW’s . They are futuristic to me , heated sats , heat , AC its crazy .
I’ve amassed enough maintenance parts and transmissions to keep me going indefinitely…or until some jackass makes them illegal then I guess I’ll just ride a bike
Good that you have an older Civic. The newer ones are lemons - Honda cheaped out on the air condenser from 2017-2021, so no AC! The electrical shit in the dash is all kinds of fucked up too.
6th gen best gen ♥️
Like, I feel so fucked over. I wanted a Civic because they’re usually reliable, and I got a shitbox that gets so hot during the summer that my phone shuts off.
Really sucked, because Doordash/Uber for cash would be really helpful.
We need to tally up all the accidents and pedestrian hit-and-runs that occur involving cars with this “feature.” It would likely be enough of an increase you could reasonably make a class action lawsuit. I have no sympathy whatsoever for a car manufacturer that can’t get it through their heads that distracted driving is a major cause of accidents, and could easily happen by their own features.
Look up “depraved-heart murder.”
It’s when someone knowingly does something that’s so obviously likely to cause death or injury that that indifference to life can essentially be treated as intent, and if someone does as a result it isn’t manslaughter or wrongful death, but murder.
Classic examples would be arson or knowingly selling tainted medicine.
That’s the grim truth, isn’t it
Starting price is now $58,000.
They ditched selling the accessible models for the luxury market and they do the most cheap and trashy thing possible.
It’s incredible how stupid millionaire CEOs can be.
What? That’s about double the price of a Camry which is probably a better car all around
It seems like every US brand under Stellantis has completely lost their minds.
Jeep has become all around terrible while becoming more expensive at the same time and it looks like the same thing is happening to Dodge.
It does appear… pretty bootleg.
Starting price on a new Dodge Charger is $61,590, get on that inflation train, boss!
I’d quit my job and start running the campaign for anyone who’s willing to run on outlawing this shit. I’d work 75 hour weeks handing out fliers about distracted driving.
Did you know John Deere tractors have a dedicated piracy scene? Because the tractors require authorized technicians to service them and doesn’t allow farmers to service them themselves, spoofed firmware has appeared and is fairly frequently used to bypass this.
My point is, if you can jailbreak a tractor you can jailbreak a car. Just a matter of time.
Encrypted ECM? Build a new foss one and sell them online, you’ll make bank.
Hell yes I do.
When that old antipiracy ad was like “you wouldn’t download a car,” turns out they were vastly overestimating your average American tractor owner or car driver’s respect for the corporate arcology.
Arcology: architectural ecology, a city intended to be contained in a single structure.
Thanks boss, I used the word and I’m like “I’m maybe 10% sure this is a word and most that confidence is coming from SimCity 2000” but then I went full send, I might not be the best journalist.
You know, I meant the corporate hierarchy. They’re increasingly living in Spacex company towns or other arcologies and such. The gated communities, whatever the corpo version of the Ivory Tower is. In a word, that one building from SimCity 2000.
So… um… will the buyer get money from Dodge to drive this shit then?